Wednesday, 4 August 2010

August the 4th Everything is About Friends

Saying hello on the High Street. I've not spent much time this year wandering the High Street out of season. It's been a quiet year of sorts, with other things and people to consider.

August 4Th I thought what ever happens I had to make a start. So waking up early I left home headed to the Royal Mile to see what's was happening. the Fringe towers were up and not blue but covered in posters already. The Mile had it's colour and flavour; the Fringe was here.

Finishing work I just could not head home I was drawn to where I want to be, armed with my trusty Canon G10 I hit the high street.

Within half an hour I'd already run into a good few faces not seen since last year and more. Where else but the Fringe do you make such great friends. And even more fun for me was running into someone I'd just called about ten minutes before and never met.

Anna from Derevo. Sveltlana from Rain People had something she wanted to delivered to me; Anna was her messenger. That is the true magic of the High street real magic.

After even more hello's and a few more "how are you's" I was wandering and chatting to Pop the Balloon man, when I spotted Country Western Star Kris Kristofferson. With a little bit of luck and a break in the crowds of people I managed to grab a couple of quick photos. Asked him what his thoughts were on Edinburgh and all this. "great!" was his reply. I then thanked him for his time and headed off to finish my first hour on the high street.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I hear Kris Christofosen was in town, didnt see him though, another wonderful day is ahead and its showtime...
    James James
