Thursday, 26 August 2010

Aug 25th Was Party Night Yeah!

The place to be was Bannermans in the Cowgate on Wednesday the 25th. Why? well it was my annual end of the Fringe party. A tradition that started when I ran exhibitions of my work during the Fringe. Unlike normal photographic exhibitions mine were slightly different. It wasn't work you had a chance to prepare six months or more in advance it was work shot daily, it's what this blog is now my exhibition space.
From 7pm onwards until the last of us were thrown out of the door at 3am Bannermans played host to street performers, buskers, fringe staff and traders. Everyone had been invited. It was my chance to say thank you to everyone I had photographed and apologise to those I hadn't.

My annual speech was an emotional roller coaster of lots of things. Some good and others bad. It was about my year since last year, this Fringe and the hardships and sadness this Fringe has brought, as well as the joys of the Fringe.It was about strain on my mind, my body and my relationships. It was about everyone in the room and lots of people not. It was about the unity the Fringe brings as well as the divides I try to hold together. My Fringe family support me in everything without them I could not survive, I would not survive. I am an addict of the Fringe life. I could live it daily.

For those people that made it along thank you, for those people that missed it, there is always next year. If I survive till then.
To Stickman, thanks for letting me annoy you as my IT support. For J-P being my minder right up until we got chased at 3. To Andy and the High street staff thanks for coming down. To James James, thank you for your generous support on the days I nearly fell apart. To Harry Freddie and Anna. Your presence once again on the Mile if not the High street give me the energy I need to survive daily. To everyone who signed the card you all make me feel so much part of your family. To Bannermans to coming to my rescue at the last moment as a venue for my party. To the City Cafe "two finger's for not honouring your diary. To Calumet Photographic for the loan of a data projector. And to everyone not mentioned here thanks. To one person I am sad you missed it. The speech was written with you in mind.

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