I've been taking photos for most of my life. Then one day in the long distant past I discovered the fringe. So much colour and excitement it is everything a photographer; who likes photographing people, can dream about.
It has become my life. It's that drug I need to have once a year.
But my photography is "about me", that may sound selfish and it probably is. But the images I see are mine. No one directs me as to what to take, if they do they don't get me they get themselves with my camera, in fact they normally don't even get me because I walk away.
I'm not a lover of modern art; but I take photos that have that quirk to them. I love old landscape paintings, and I don't shoot landscapes.
I try my best to avoid the photographic packs that travel the high street. Do these photographers not have any inspiration of their own. Or are they afraid they're going to miss something.
And I still think it's sad that those same photographic packs can't put their hand in their pocket to put something in a performers hat. And that includes those photographers with press passes too.
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